萨依买里村位于新疆南部的阿克苏地区,全村共有5个村民小组547户,常住人口3 114人,维吾尔族成分100%。通过半年来深入细致的调查,我们看到,该村存在着经济发展滞后,就业渠道窄;基础教育薄弱、师资力量短缺;宗教氛围浓厚,宗教极端思想严重等问题。抵御极端宗教思想的渗透要多管齐下,要加强基础教育,增加师资力量;加强基层组织建设,依法管理宗教事务;加强法制宣传,普及法律知识,形成学法懂法用法的氛围;开展丰富多彩的文体活动,加强各民族之间交流交往交融;有效开展就业培训,拓宽就业渠道。
Sayyamari Village is located in the Aksu area in the south of Xinjiang. The village has a total of 547 village groups with 5,114 permanent residents and 100% Uighur ethnic groups. Through thorough and careful investigation in the past six months, we can see that there are such problems as lagging economic development, narrow employment channels, weak basic education, shortage of teachers, strong religious atmosphere and serious religious extremism. To resist the infiltration of extremist religious thought, we should take a multi-pronged approach, strengthen basic education and increase the strength of teachers; strengthen the building of grassroots organizations and administer religious affairs in accordance with the law; strengthen publicity of the legal system and popularize legal knowledge so as to create a climate of learning law usage; Colorful cultural and sports activities to strengthen exchanges and exchanges among all ethnic groups; effective employment training and broaden employment channels.