“天有不测风云,人有旦夕祸福”这句民谚,应该说是企业发生工伤事故的真实写照。即便是管理上十分严格的企业,也从不敢夸口绝对不发生工伤事故。工伤象一片阴云,时常笼罩在企业和职工的心头。可是,青岛市1995年10月进行工伤保险制度改革以来,那片可怕阴云的威胁,随着众多企业的参保,正在逐日减少和消失 去年8月18日,本是个十分“吉
“There are unexpected events, people have good and bad fortune,” this phrase Minyan, it should be said that a real portrait of a business accident. Even the very strict management of enterprises, but also never dare to boast never accidents. Work-related injuries like a cloud, often enveloped in the heart of businesses and workers. However, since the reform of the industrial injury insurance system was carried out in Qingdao in October 1995, the threat of such terrible dark clouds is decreasing and disappearing day by day with the help of many enterprises. On August 18 last year, this was a very auspicious day