据预测,今后一段时间,灯具市场将呈现四大特点: 一是新光源异军突起。H形管、u形管、环形管灯具以其亮度高,耗能少而受到青睐。 二是成套灯具需求超升。台灯、壁灯、三叉式升降灯组成系列,华丽大方,整体感强,逐步从宾馆、饭店、办公场所走向家庭。 三是儿童灯具销势看好。随着孩子与父母分室居住的家庭增加,具有儿童特色的灯具深受孩子们的宠爱,如动物型灯具等已日益走红。
It is predicted that in the period to come, the lighting market will present four major characteristics: First, the emergence of new light sources. H-shaped tubes, u-shaped tubes, and circular tube lamps are favored for their high brightness and low energy consumption. The second is the oversupply of complete sets of lamps and lanterns. Table lamp, wall lamp, three-fork lift lamp series, gorgeous and generous, the overall sense of strong, and gradually from the hotel, restaurant, office space to the family. Third, children’s lamps and lanterns are expected to sell well. As the number of families where children live with their parents increases, lamps with children’s characteristics are deeply loved by children. Animal-type lamps and lanterns have become increasingly popular.