Introduction On July 21, 1854, Lin Yongyi came to the Alley as the agent of Huang Fong Festival to sue Shen He, seeking a bed from him. Prior to this, he filed a petition with the Dutch Indictment Court ( “Landry ”), which was established in 1824. From Lin Yongyi’s pleadings, we learned that things passed as follows: In February 1854, Shen He calculated a bed to Huang Fong Festival and agreed to return after a few days. As a result, Shen He did not return a long time. Later to discuss, Shen He said four or five days after the money to buy a bed that is returned, and another Ye Zansheng and Shi Zuyu heard this statement. On the night of March 23, Lin Yong-shei met Shen He on the road to discuss with him and the latter claimed that he did not borrow from the former