岐山县地处关中西部,年均种植小麦2.8万hm2,收获小麦15.3万t。然而近年来节节麦(Aegilops tauschii Coss.)发生为害愈来愈重,平均每年因其损失小麦1958.4t,占总产的1.28%,该草已逐渐上升为本地麦田禾本科类第一恶性杂草。1发生现状及对小麦的影响1.1发生现状节节麦在岐山县14个
Qishan County is located in the central and western Guanzhong, the average annual planting 28,000 hm2 wheat, wheat 153,000 t harvest. However, in recent years Aegilops tauschii Coss. Has been harming more and more seriously. The average annual loss of 1958.4 tons of wheat and 1.28% of the total output of the grass has gradually risen to the first malignant hybrid grass. 1 the status quo and the impact on wheat 1.1 The occurrence of section Festival wheat 14 in Qishan County