现在,如果您问任何一个关心计算机的人:多媒体热过之后该是什么热了?他一定会毫不犹豫地回答您:网络! 提起网络,我想大多数人的第一反应就是:哦,网络,就是国际互连网INTERNET,未来信息高速公路的雏形。的确,从1995年以来,由于国家的重视和邮电部的牵头,很多大大小小的公司都纷纷打出了“提供INTERNET服务”的招牌,而中国INTERNET的老大,邮电部CHINANET更是以“INTERNET的中国部分”自居,甚至连邮局的门前都挂起了INTERNET的宣传标语。
Now, if you ask anyone who cares about computers: what is hot after the multimedia overheat? He will certainly answer you without hesitation: Network! To bring up the network, I think the first reaction of most people is: Oh, Network, is the Internet INTERNET, the prototype of the future information superhighway. Indeed, since 1995, due to the country’s attention and the Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications take the lead, many large and small companies have played a “provide INTERNET service” signs, and China’s Internet giant, the Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications CHINANET more is “INTERNET China part ”itself, even in front of the post office are hung INTERNET propaganda slogans.