民国时期,上海《新闻报》号称日销15万份,为我国销数最大的报纸。它虽然是在上海出刊,影响却遍及全国,与创刊最早的上海《申报》同享盛名。 《新闻报》于1893年由英商丹福司创办,1899年以廉价卖给美国人福开森。福开森是1886年来中国传教,在南京办过金陵大学,后受盛宣怀之聘,出任交通大学的前身南洋公学的监院(即院长)。不久,
During the period of Republic of China, Shanghai News reported that it sold 150,000 copies a day, the largest newspaper in China. Although it is published in Shanghai, its influence has spread all over the country, sharing the reputation of being the earliest Shanghai “declaration”. The News was founded by Danfoss in 1893 and was sold to Americans at Fortune in 1899 at a bargain price. Fukai Sen was Chinese missionary in 1886, had Jinling University in Nanjing, and was employed by Sheng Xuanhuai as the supervisor (or dean) of Nanyang Public School, formerly of Jiao Tong University. soon,