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在新课改的时代背景下,课堂更强调对学生素质教育的培养。我在高中从教已满三年,经历了一轮循环教学,而这三年的时间让我对教学也有了自己的一些感悟,下面来谈谈我的感悟。一、要虚心请教老教师作为一名初出茅庐的新教师,要勇于积极地向老教师、有经验的教师请教。不要因为不好意思就不问,固定在自己的思维中,并且故步自封。新老师固然有自己的新想法,但是教学经验还不足, In the new era of curriculum reform, the classroom emphasizes the cultivation of quality-oriented education. I have been teaching in high school for over three years and have undergone a round of teaching. In the past three years, I have had some sentiments about teaching. Here is my insight. First, we should humbly ask the old teacher As a fledgling new teacher, we should bravely to the old teachers, experienced teachers to consult. Do not forget because you’re embarrassed, stuck in your own thoughts, and complacent. Although new teachers have their own new ideas, but the teaching experience is not enough,
把握浙江建设发展所处的历史方位,增强推进现代化建设的责任感和紧迫感  科学把握浙江建设发展的历史方位是正确解读省党代会报告和省委十三届一次全会决定精神的钥匙。改革开放30多年来,历届省委、省政府认真贯彻中央“三步走”战略部署,大力弘扬以创业创新为核心的浙江精神,大力推进经济社会科学发展,走出了一条特色鲜明的“创业富民、就业惠民、社保安民、藏富于民”的发展路子,不断把现代化建设的历史进程推向前进。