In this study, mice were irradiated with whole body irradiation plus bone marrow transplantation. GB_(57)×BALB/C→F1 mice received 700 cGy total body irradiation (TBI) at a dose rate of 56 cGy/min. In the first group without bone marrow transplantation (BMT), the survival period was 7-23 days with an average of 13 days. Pathologically confirmed, all died of bone marrow failure. At the same time, it also found damage to the liver and spleen. After the second group of irradiation, they received BALB/C allogeneic bone marrow transplantation, but when they were not treated with cyclosporin A (CSA), they died from severe graft-versus-host disease on average 23 days after transplantation from 9 to 49 days. Reaction (GVHD). Compared with the previous group, P<