一、概述 2001年是新世纪开始的第一年,我国国际法学研究继续保持良好势头,在基础研究、运用研究和交叉研究方面都有进步,反映出如下特点: (1)学术活动活跃。中国国际法学会4月16-18日在武汉大学举行了题为“展望21世纪国际法发展”研讨会,12月14日在北京举行了国际法教学研讨会。5月15日和8月14日,中国海洋法学会和中国国际法学会在北京分别联合举行了纪念我国批准《联合国海洋法公约》五周年座谈会和“钓鱼岛问题的研究现
I. Overview In 2001, as the first year of the new century, the study of international jurisprudence in our country continued to maintain its good momentum. Progress has been made in basic research, applied research and cross-cutting research, reflecting the following characteristics: (1) Active academic activities. From April 16 to April 18, China Society of International Law held a seminar titled ”Prospecting the Development of International Law in the 21st Century “ at Wuhan University, and a Symposium on International Law Teaching was held in Beijing on December 14. On May 15 and August 14, the China Society of Law of the Sea and China Institute of International Law jointly held a symposium on the fifth anniversary of China’s ratification of the ”UN Convention on the Law of the Sea" and the study on the Diaoyu Island in Beijing