Part of the real outbreak of volcanoes caused by population pressure is the aging of the world's population. A new human class is taking shape. For the first time in our history, our society will form a very large and economically inactive aging population. They are wealthy voters who need expensive social services such as health care. Most of their income depends on the government's expenditure. They are collapsing social welfare states, undermining the government's finances and threatening society's investment for the future success. In 1900, only 4% of the elderly population over the age of 65 in the U.S. population now accounted for 13% of the total population. The growth in the number of elderly Americans in the United States will be extremely rapid after 2013, as the infant infancy, which was first born in 1947, will become a 65-year-old and begin to retire. It is now four and a half serving workers who pay one person's pension, and on average only 1.7 active workers by 2030 can pay one person's pension.