青少年的龋齿发病原因在口腔卫生方面已有不少报导,但氟化物摄入量与龋齿的关系方面尚少见报导。本文从饮用水与食物两个方面探讨氟化物摄入量与龋齿的关系。提出为满足人体氟含量的正常值,减少中小学生的龋齿率,选择合理的饮水与食物的种类。1 饮用水、净化水、食物中氟含量测定1.1 样品来源: 饮用水:上海静安区胶州路水库水32件样品 (1985—1992年,每季一次,每次一件。) 净化水:上海静安区37所中小学净化器
The causes of dental caries in adolescents have been reported in oral hygiene, but the relationship between fluoride intake and dental caries is still rarely reported. This article discusses the relationship between fluoride intake and dental caries from drinking water and food. In order to meet the normal fluoride content of human body, reduce primary and secondary students dental caries, choose a reasonable type of drinking water and food. 1 Determination of fluorine content in drinking water, purified water and food 1.1 Source of the sample: Drinking water: 32 samples of Jiaozhou Road reservoir water in Jing’an District, Shanghai (1985-1992, once a quarter, each time) Purified water: Shanghai Jing’an District 37 primary and secondary purifier