为了实现高分辨力,在地球静止轨道上工作的遥感系统通常装备大口径光学系统,但光学系统的视场通常很小。扫描成像技术可使地球静止轨道上的高分辨力遥感光学系统获得更大的观测范围。但在扫描镜转动时像点一直在移动,所以在CCD曝光时间内会出现像点混叠。因此,扫描成像光学系统的调制传递函数将变差。本文采用动态光学传递函数分析方法研究了连续扫描成像光学系统成像性能。结果表明,在曝光时间范围0.5~1.5 ms,扫描镜的旋转角度应小于(7×10-6)o以保持较高的MTF。最后,给出了连续扫描镜的驱动方法并分析了扫描镜驱动不稳定性对MTF的影响。本文的研究结果可为连续扫描成像光学系统的深入研究和制作提供参考。
Remote sensing systems operating on the geostationary orbit are often equipped with large aperture optics to achieve high resolution, but optical systems typically have a small field of view. Scanning imaging technology enables a greater range of observations for high-resolution telemetry optics on geostationary orbit. However, when the scanning mirror rotates, the image point is always moving, so there will be image aliasing during the CCD exposure time. Therefore, the modulation transfer function of the scanning imaging optical system will be poor. In this paper, dynamic optical transfer function analysis method of continuous scanning imaging optical system imaging performance. The results show that the rotation angle of scanning mirror should be less than (7 × 10-6) o in the exposure time range of 0.5-1.5 ms to maintain a high MTF. Finally, the driving method of continuous scanning mirror is given and the influence of scanning mirror driving instability on MTF is analyzed. The results of this paper can provide reference for further research and fabrication of continuous scanning imaging optical system.