采用磁流变阻尼器(MR damper)进行半主动控制分析时,建立较为精确的MR damper力学计算模型是关键因素之一。目前常用的MR damper力学计算模型有Bingham模型、Sigmoid模型、双Sigmoid模型与通用Sigmoid模型等,但这些力学计算模型均不能同时描述MR damper的惯性效应、剪切稀化现象和蓄能器刚度影响等。基于此,提出了一个新的MR damper力学计算模型——可调Sigmoid模型,并与现象模型试验结果进行对比研究。仿真计算结果表明:可调Sigmoid模型简单易理解,且能很好地描述MR damper的惯性效应和剪切稀化现象,在描述低速区和高速区的非线性滞回特性时,所运用的物理概念更为清晰,具有很强的可调通用性。
When using MR damper for semi-active control analysis, it is one of the key factors to establish a more accurate mechanical model of MR damper. At present, the commonly used mechanical model of MR damper includes Bingham model, Sigmoid model, double Sigmoid model and general Sigmoid model. However, these mechanical models can not simultaneously describe the inertia effect, shear thinning phenomenon and stiffness of accumulator Wait. Based on this, a new MR mechanical calculation model - adjustable Sigmoid model is proposed and compared with the experimental results of phenomenological model. The simulation results show that the adjustable Sigmoid model is easy to understand and can well describe the inertia effect and shear thinning phenomenon of MR damper. When describing the nonlinear hysteresis characteristics of low-velocity zone and high-velocity zone, the physical The concept is clearer and has a strong adjustable versatility.