某厂老吴,初任厂长秘书。一日,厂长嘱其代作厂庆讲话一篇。半晌功夫,文章已成,送呈厂长。才读一半,厂长疾呼老吴入内室商榷,云稿中所用“精诚团结”一词,疑是“蒋委员长”倡新生活运动,“攘外必先安内”时之口头禅,焉能入得厂庆讲话? 老吴语塞,闷闷不乐,归来叙于我。我即翻开毛选,为其压惊。毛泽东《为动员一切力量争取抗战胜利而斗争》:“在国内两党合作的基础上,建立全国各党各派各界各军的抗日民族统一战线,领导抗日战争,精诚团结,共赴国难。”
A factory Wu old director of the new factory secretary. On the 1st, the director told her to make a speech on behalf of the plant. A long while Kung Fu, the article has become, sent to the director. Only read half, the director scolded Lao Wu into the room to discuss, Yun draft used in the “sincere unity,” the word is suspected of “Chiang Kai-shek,” advocating a new life movement, “outside the barong outside the security,” when the mantra, Can get into the factory speech? Old Wu language plug, unhappy, return Syria in me. I opened the mao election, for its shock. Mao Zedong, “Fighting for All-Forces to Win the War of Resistance Against Japan”: “On the basis of bipartisan cooperation in China, the establishment of the anti-Japanese national united front in various quarters and across the country led the war of resistance against Japan and united in solidarity and went to the national crisis.”