有人把大竹的工业经济比作是一支漩涡里的歌,众人皆被冲得晕头转向,它却在浪尖上引吭高唱;也有人把大竹的工业经济比作是荒漠中的一丛绿,让人在悲观绝望时看到了振兴工业的希望;更有人说大竹工业经济分明就是一面猎猎招展的旗帜,给人信心催人奋进……眼下,这个地区工业战线正呈现出一片前所未有、热气腾腾的可喜局面。1998年大竹县的工业实现销售收入、税金、利润分别比1997年增长1.04%、9.7%、54.1%!今年1至 6月完成销售收入 2.01亿元,同比增长 11.5%。全县考核的 13个部门,销售收
Some people compare the industrial economy of Otake as a song in a whirlpool. Everyone is stunned and confused, but it sings and sings on the tip of the wave; others have compared the industrial economy of Otake to a plexus of green in the desert. The people saw the hope of revitalizing the industry when they were pessimistic and desperate. Some people even said that the economics of the Otake industry was clearly a flag for hunting and encouraging people to inspire. In the present, the industrial front in this region is showing an unprecedented and enthusiastic atmosphere. The welcome situation. In 1998, Dazhu County’s industrial sales income, taxes, and profits increased by 1.04%, 9.7%, and 54.1%, respectively, compared to 1997. From January to June this year, sales revenue was 201 million yuan, an increase of 11.5% over the same period of last year. 13 departments assessed by the county, sales revenue