阐述了钢铁产品质量控制的内函。根据钢铁产品的质量环 ,对其产品质量形成的主要环节 ,概述了质量控制的要点 ,即控制原则和欲强化或有效地进行质量控制 ,应采用的方法、途径。强调质量控制是质量管理中永无休止的活动 ,随着产品的更新 ,顾客需求的增长 ,质量控制的手段 ,方法将随着提高
Describe the internal control of the quality control of steel products. According to the quality ring of steel products, the main points of the formation of product quality are summarized, the main points of quality control are outlined, that is the control principle and the methods and ways to be used to strengthen or effectively carry out quality control. Emphasize that quality control is an endless activity in quality management. With the updating of products, the growth of customer demands and the means and methods of quality control,