1病历简介 患者,女,63岁,内蒙古牧民。因双下肢行走无力,胸背部疼痛,进行性加重2个月,近1个月不能行走,腹部及肋弓以下皮肤感觉迟钝,大、小便困难来诊。体检:神志清楚,未触及浅表淋巴结,胸背部有广泛压痛,叩击痛,但以第五胸推棘突为明显,双下肢肌张力3级,
1 medical records patient, female, 63 years old, Inner Mongolia herdsman. Due to weakness in walking on both lower extremities, chest and back pain, progressive exacerbations for 2 months, nearly 1 month can not walk, abdominal and rib bowel below the skin feeling sluggish, large, difficult to visit the urine. Physical examination: conscious, did not touch the superficial lymph nodes, chest and back with extensive tenderness, percussion pain, but the fifth thoracic spinous process is obvious, double lower extremity muscle tension 3,