文化的绝对论与相对论,一元论与多元论是一个学术界长期争论不休的问题。绝对论者认为世界上只有一种文化是高级的,其他文化都是粗野的;相对论者则认为不同的文化各有其自己的特点,无所谓高低之分。一元论与多元论的争论和前面所说的绝对论与相对论的争论具有相似性。 鸦片战争以后,西学东渐,西方文化(包括西方音乐)传入中国。特别是1919年五四运动以后,在北京、上海等地先后成立了一批业余性质的音乐社团,学习西方乐理、和声及器乐、声
Cultural absolutism and relativity, monism and pluralism are long-standing arguments in academia. The absolutists think that there is only one kind of culture in the world is advanced, other cultures are rough; while the relativists think different cultures have their own characteristics, regardless of height. The argument between monism and pluralism is similar to the debate on absolute theory and relativity mentioned above. After the Opium War, with the gradual progress of Western learning, Western culture (including western music) was introduced to China. Especially after the May Fourth Movement of 1919, a group of music amateur groups were set up successively in Beijing and Shanghai to study Western music theory, harmony and instrumental music,