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[目的 /意义]针对目前信息咨询服务中咨询问题分析的复杂性、决策选择的不确定性、咨询效果评价的延时性等不足,建立一套信息咨询流程,引导图书馆更好地开展信息咨询服务,提高咨询服务效果。[方法/过程]将数据耕耘的技术理念引入到传统的咨询流程中,结合该技术的仿真性、探索循环、协同性等技术特征,重新构建咨询的“数据播种”、“数据施肥”、“数据耕作”、“数据栽培”、“数据收获”等一系列咨询流程。[结果/结论]数据耕耘技术理念关照下的流程仿真结果显示,咨询流程引入数据耕耘技术理念后,增强了对不确定数据的应用,丰富了咨询结果,改善了最优咨询效果的选择与评价,为咨询服务的研究与实践提供了有益参考。 [Purpose / Significance] In view of the complexity of the current consultation on information consulting services, the uncertainty of decision-making options and the delay of the evaluation of consulting effects, a set of information consultation process should be established to guide the library to better carry out information Consulting services, improve the effectiveness of consulting services. [Method / Process] The technical concept of data cultivation is introduced into the traditional consultation process. With the technical simulation of the technology, the technical characteristics of circulation and cooperation are explored, and the information of “sowing”, “data sowing” “, ” Data farming “, ” data cultivation “, ” data harvest "and a series of consultation process. [Result / Conclusion] The simulation results of the process under the concept of data tillage technology show that the application of data tillage technology to the consulting process has enhanced the application of the uncertain data, enriched the consulting results and improved the selection and evaluation of the optimal consulting results , Which provides a useful reference for the research and practice of consulting services.
为了研究石膏、硅灰对硅酸盐胶凝材料早期强度的影响,分别测试了石膏、硅灰不同掺量下的胶凝材料的4h、1 d、28 d的抗压强度。利用X射线衍射仪和扫描电子显微镜分析了水化产