记:《法律援助条例》(以下称《条例》)颁布实施以来,法律援助工作呈现出良好的发展势头,法律援助制度更加深入人心,已经形成了以政府为主导,社会各界广泛参与法律援助的良好局面。请您谈谈《条例》出台对社会稳定和经济发展的现实意义。 段正坤:首先,《条例》出台对维护社会稳定具有十分重要的意义。可以这样来理解,《条例》的颁布实施,将进一步促进我国法律援助工作的发展,从而有利于维护社会的稳定。法律援助在维护社会稳定方面的作用主要表现在以下两个方面:一是通过办理大量民事、行政诉讼法律援助案件,促进以法律方式解决社会矛盾纠纷,维护了社会稳定。按
Note: Since the promulgation and implementation of the “Legal Aid Regulations” (hereinafter referred to as the “Regulations”), the legal aid work has shown a good momentum of development. The legal aid system enjoys greater popularity among the people and has formed a government-led society with extensive participation in legal aid Good situation. Please talk about the practical significance of the promulgation of the “Regulations” to social stability and economic development. Duan Zhengkun: First of all, the promulgation of the “Regulations” is of great significance for the maintenance of social stability. It can be understood that the promulgation and implementation of the “Regulations” will further promote the development of legal aid work in our country and help maintain social stability. The function of legal aid in maintaining social stability is mainly manifested in the following two aspects. First, through handling a large number of legal aid cases in civil and administrative litigation, it promotes the legal settlement of social conflicts and disputes and maintains social stability. press