随着三网融合的进一步推进,IP接入网的竞争成为必然趋势。分业运营的时代已过,广电、电信双向进入已经初步成型。电信和OTT业务提供商正在大举侵蚀原有广电直播电视的市场,牌照和特许经营的门槛作用已经降低。为此,特艺集团(原法国汤姆逊集团)携旗下全IP三网融合方案、Hovis智能生活解决方案和Qeo亮相CCBN2014,并推出全系列CMC、Cable Modem、网关和机顶盒产品。
With the further promotion of triple play, the competition of IP access network has become an inevitable trend. Separated operations era has passed, radio and television, telecommunications two-way has been initially formed. Telecoms and OTT service providers are aggressively eroded the market for their original radio and telecast television, and the threshold for licenses and franchises has diminished. To this end, the special Arts Group (formerly the French Thomson Group) to bring its all-IP triple play solutions, Hovis smart lifestyle solutions and Qeo debut CCBN2014, and launched a full range of CMC, Cable Modem, gateway and set-top box products.