1 适时播种,培育壮苗1.1 播种茄子花粉最适宜定的发育温度为28~30℃,低于17.5℃和高于35℃均不利于授粉受精,阴雨天气容易导致授粉失败和落花落果,因此应避免雨天杂交。春季茄子从播种到开花大约为100d,其中苗期为60~70d;秋季从播
A timely sowing, nurturing strong seedlings 1.1 sowing eggplant pollen the most appropriate set of developmental temperature is 28 ~ 30 ℃, less than 17.5 ℃ and higher than 35 ℃ are not conducive to pollination and fertilization, rainy weather can easily lead to pollination failure and falling flowers, it should be Avoid rainy days. Spring eggplant from sowing to flowering is about 100d, of which the seedling stage is 60 ~ 70d;