据了解,昆明首个0.4 kV分布式光伏发电并网项目自2014年1月16日建成,投入使用至今,近三个月的时间里已经发电952 kWh。这套光伏发电设备由10块太阳能电池板组成,每块约1 m2,为了能让太阳能电池板“吸收”更多的阳光,建设时,施工人员专门给这10块太阳能电池板搭建了一个1 m多高的铁架子。光伏发电设备占地约15 m2,在院子里形成了一个小凉亭,还可以供人休息乘凉之用。
It is understood that the first 0.4 kV distributed photovoltaic power generation grid-connected project in Kunming was completed on January 16, 2014 and has been generating 952 kWh in nearly three months since it was put into operation. The photovoltaic power generation equipment consists of 10 solar panels, each about 1 m2, in order to let the solar panels “absorb ” more sunlight, construction, construction workers built specifically for the 10 solar panels A 1 m high iron shelf. Photovoltaic power generation equipment covers an area of about 15 m2, forming a small pavilion in the yard, but also for rest and shade.