晋、冀、蒙三省交界地区,被国家确定为地震重点监视地区。本文通过对山西带北端局部地区的历史地震及现今地震活动分析,对该区的地震趋势作一初步估计。一、资料的选取 (一)地区范围根据文献[1]对华北地区现代构造应力场研究的结果以及北三省地区震情监视的需要,本文选取东经112°30′—116°00′,北纬39°00′—41°00′的山西带北端,作为讨论范
Shanxi, Hebei and Mongolia at the junction of the three provinces, the state identified as the focus of the earthquake surveillance area. Based on the analysis of the historical earthquakes in the northern part of Shanxi Province and the present seismic activity, this paper makes a preliminary estimation of the earthquake tendency in the area. I. THE SELECTION OF DATA A. Regional Range According to the results of the literature [1] on the research of the modern tectonic stress field in North China and the need of monitoring the seismicity in the north three provinces, this paper selects the longitude 112 ° 30’-116 ° 00’N, ° 00’-41 ° 00 ’of the northern tip of Shanxi, as a discussion Fan