彩电大降价成了今年家电市场上最让人心动的“风景”,彩电价格也再次成为了人们谈论的热门话题。一时间,彩电市场上“降”声一片,有不少品牌推出了低得令人咋舌的“特价彩电”。但实际上目前市场上的一些特价彩电质量不如人意,有的甚至带有欺骗性。消费者在购买特价彩电时一定要小心谨慎,切莫贪图便宜,盲目跟风购买。 据了解目前市场上价格极度低廉的特价彩电大多数是库存机,有些甚至是积压了3年甚至更长时间的老电视,大多是
TV big price became the most exciting home appliances market this year, “landscape”, color TV prices have once again become a hot topic of discussion. For a time, “drop” sound on the TV market, there are many brands launched a staggering “special color TV.” However, in fact, some special color TV quality on the market is not satisfactory, and some even deceptive. Consumers in the purchase of special color TV must be careful not to covet cheap, blindly follow the trend to buy. It is understood that the current market price is extremely cheap special color TV most of the library machines, some even backlog of 3 years or more old TV, mostly