聂荣臻元帅说过:“三强,是我们的国宝。”啊,三强恩师!您从父亲钱玄同那里,接受“学以致用,报效祖国”的谆谆教导;您从导师伊莱娜那里,获得“为科学服务,科学为人民服务”的赠言。赛纳河的旖旎风光,并没有留住您青春的脚步;带着世界第一张核裂变照片,您扑向祖国母亲的怀抱。悠悠报国情,您登高一呼、分兵布阵,筹建中国原子核科研基地,组创中国科学院,为中国的两弹一星运筹帷幄,功不可没!拳拳君子心,您只讲奉献,不谈索取,无私忘我地培养、选拔一代又一代科技人才,让中华崛起的梦想变成东方巨龙的腾飞!您的一生大起大落,您的一生气壮山河。情系中华,魂系中华,您用毕生的心血与挚爱铸就永垂青史的丰碑!历史不会忘记您,我们敬爱的恩师 ——钱三强先生!
Marshal Nie Rongzhen said: “The top three, is our national treasure.” Ah, the top three mentors! From your father, Qian Xuan-tung, you receive the precepts of “learning from deeds and serving the motherland.” From your mentor Ilyana, you received a gift of “serving for science and serving the people for science.” The beautiful scenery of the Seine River, and did not keep your pace of youth; with the world’s first nuclear fission photos, you pounced toward the motherland’s arms. Youyou reported national conditions, you ascended the highs and voices to divide our forces to prepare for the establishment of China’s nuclear scientific research base and set up a Chinese Academy of Sciences for China’s two bombs and one satellite strategist. You just talk about dedication, talk about what you are asking, and selflessly cultivate and select the next generation of scientific and technological talents. Let the dream of the rise of China become the take-off of the oriental dragon! Your life ups and downs, your life Zhuangshanhe. Love of China, the soul of China, your life with the devotion and passion cast a monument forever! History will not forget you, our beloved teacher - Mr. Qian Sanqiang!