德意志民主共和国的РИЦ型一等四轴客车有许多技术革新。转向架采用可以自动调整的空气弹簧,在高速运行160公里/小时的条件下,可以保证良好的平稳性。车上装有MAB11型产冷量为28,000千卡/小时的空气调节装置。在冬季可用蒸汽或电热采暖。电力采暖时可用1,000伏16~2/3赫和50赫,1,500伏和3,000伏50赫的交流电或1,500和3,000伏的直流电供电。 РИЦ1—2等客车,有四个1等包间和五个2等包间。其外形和部件的结构与РИЦ 1等车类似。
There are many technological innovations in the РИЦ first-class four-axle passenger car in the German Democratic Republic. The bogie uses an air spring that can be automatically adjusted to ensure good smoothness at high speeds of up to 160 km / h. The car is equipped with MAB11-type cooling capacity of 28,000 kcal / hour air-conditioning. Available in winter steam or electric heating. Power is supplied with 1,000 volts, 16 to 2/3 hectares, and 50 hertz, 1,500 volts and 3,000 volts, 50 hertz or 1,500 and 3,000 volts DC. РИЦ1-2 and other buses, there are four 1 and other five private rooms and other private rooms. The shape and components of the structure and РИЦ 1 equal to the car.