【摘 要】
To treat the problem of fossil fuel usage and greenhouse gas emissions, biogas is considered a potential source of clean renewable energy. The aim of the work i
Chaos game representation (CGR) of DNA sequences and linked protein sequences from genomes was proposed by Jeffrey (1990) and Yu et al. (2004), respectively. In
Hydrothermal liquefaction (HTL) processing of lignocellulosic biomass to bio-oil produces aqueous co-product (AP) which contains significant (~40 wt%) carbon fr
Global warming awareness criticizes further usage of fossil fuels and insists promotion of renewable energy usage. Additionally, many people in rural areas of d
We have developed a web-server for predicting the folding rate of a protein based on its amino acid sequence information alone. The web- server is called Pred-P
Renewable biomass-derived fuels are essential to meet the blend mandates and the sustainability goals. In our first-to-date study, we investigated individual an
一张新报办得怎么样?我的看法,就像初生婴儿一样,丝毫不会掩饰做作。饿了就本能地去抓母亲乳头,不舒服就张着没牙嘴巴大哭,高兴时会手舞足蹈地欢笑…… 《三秦晚报》创刊100
大凡吃上“爬格子”这碗饭的人,恐怕没有喜欢退稿的。有时偶然碰到一次退稿,并附有编辑的“亲笔信”,便如获“至宝”,拜读再一。 笔者就曾有过这样一次幸遇。今年元月中旬,
我爱好新闻。业余一有空就写点稿子。因之,隔三见五,时有“豆腐块”文章见诸报端,集腋成裘,时间长了,算来竟有九百多篇。 我在物资流通部门工作,稿件内容多与物资储运有关。
Now molecular epidemiology was meaningful. On the surface of the tumor, cells will express its antigen specific as a tumor cell (example: TSA, tumor specific an