收获期农作物保险,是承保农作物收获以后在进行临时晾晒脱粒和初加工过程中,因遭受火灾、洪水、暴风雨等灾害而造成农作物产品损失的一种保险。收获期农作物保险与生长期农物保险比较,主要有以下特点: 1、保险标的的属性不同。收获期农作物保险标的,生命活力已经终止,而且已从田间地头运往了进行晾晒、轧打、脱粒或烘烤的场所,保险标的已是初级产品。
Harvest period crop insurance is a kind of insurance cover for crop products caused by fire, flood, storm and other disasters during the period of temporary drying threshing and initial processing after harvest of crops. Harvesting crop insurance and growing agricultural insurance compared to the main features of the following: 1, the subject of insurance properties of different. Harvest period of crop insurance subject, the vitality of life has ended, and has been shipped from the field to the drying, rolling, threshing or baking place, the subject of insurance is already a primary product.