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我一直不太喜欢九年级4班:这个班初中三年以来,历史成绩一向平平,最让人不舒服的,是上课时弥漫在班级里的那种涣散情绪。在我带的6个班中,最常批评的就是4班了。今天我像往常一样来到4班上课,由于临近中考,初三最近都是复习课。我要提问的第一个问题概括性很强,是有关“世界格局”的,时间跨度从第一次世界大战后至今。话音未落,肖静轩就高高举起了手,于是我就让他来回答,心里想着肖静轩平时思考问题不太严密,应该不会说得很全面。没想到,肖静轩回答得非常好,我惊喜异常,毫不吝啬地送给他一个从未有过的评价:“肖静轩的回答,已经达到了完美。”这个评价让全班学生很震惊,翟宣任迫切要求回答问题,我很奇怪,问:“老师还没有提问呢,你回答什么?”他着急地说:“我要回答你提出的下一个问题,比肖静轩回答得还要好。”学生们都笑了,我也笑着说:“好吧!你要做好心理准备,下一个问题比刚才的要难。”于是,就让翟宣任回答有关“二战后主要资本主义国家的发展变化”的问 I have always disliked the fourth grade of the ninth grade: In the three years since the junior high school of this class, the historical performance has been flat, and the most uncomfortable one is the kind of feeling of discontent that permeates the class during class. Of the six classes I took, the most frequently criticized was four classes. Today, I came to class 4 as usual. Due to the recent examinations, the third grade was recently reviewed. The first question I have to ask is very general and it is about the “world pattern”. It spans from the time after the First World War to this day. When the voice did not fall, Xiao Jingxuan raised his hand high, so I let him answer, and I thought that Xiao Jingxuan usually thinks that the problem is not very strict and should not be very comprehensive. Unexpectedly, Xiao Jingxuan replied very well. I was pleasantly surprised and gave him an evaluation he never had before: “The answer Xiao Jingxuan has achieved is perfect.” This assessment made the whole class very shocked.翟 翟 翟 翟 翟 翟 我 我 我 我 我 我 我 我 我 我 我 我 我 “ ” “ ” “ ” “ ” “ ” “ ” “ ” “ ” “ ” “ ” “ ” “ ” “ ” “ ” “ ” “ ” “ ” “ ” “The students all laughed, and I laughed and said,” “Okay! You have to be mentally prepared. The next question is harder than it was.” So, let the deputy answer the relevant “The main capital after World War II.” The development and changes of Islamic countries
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依兰又拎着她那双粉橙色的小巧舞蹈鞋匆匆地赶去学舞蹈。  我知道她是故意不用袋子装起她的舞鞋,她喜欢我们用羡慕的眼光看她。在我们整条巷子里,也只有她一个拥有这些,还有新裙子和美妙的糖果。  也不晓得她在神气什么!羊儿总在依兰走过时嚷嚷,然后把脸拧向我,希望我能稍稍回应她,而此时依兰正从眼角狠狠地射出讪笑。羊儿也没有不服气,当场就哈哈大笑起来。  羊儿,羊儿,快!赶快下来!我看到依兰渐渐走远之后,便飞
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十九世纪早、中期,中国地方社团最引人注目的特征之一是军事化日益增长.菲力普·库恩(philip kuhn)的《中华帝国后期的叛乱及其敌人》一书1970年出版以来,一直是这个有意义