Do fish have lungs? No, fish have gills instead of lungs and so they can't take oxygen in from the air like we do. Instead they get their oxygen from the water.
A boy asked his parents for a new computer because his old one was running too slow. His parents told him it was not in the budget.rnDetermined, the boy went in
【摘 要】随着农村居民物质生活水平的不断提高,对水环境健康状况提出了更高的要求,但从目前农村水环境现状来看,由于工农业的迅速发展、水环境保护意识的欠缺、水环境治理技术不科学、资金投入的不足等,使得农村水环境污染问题迫切需要关注和治理。文章在认识目前农村水环境污染现状的基础上,综合总结归纳了多种农村污水治理技术,可为目前农村水环境的治理提供参考。 【关键词】农村;水环境;污水治理 水作为人类生