《女神》研究中的众多“共识”已经停滞了对《女神》的进一步深入认识。《女神》的“横空出世” ,横扫的不只是旧体诗 ,它还终结了同时代的早期白话诗。这使得中国现代新诗没有从直白浅露的“白话”起步 ,而是从一种自由创作精神起步。《女神》在五四新诗坛出现的意义在于它以对狂飙突进的五四时代精神的诗化开了一代诗风 ,这与《尝试集》等新诗集有着根本的不同。《女神》带给中国新诗发展的真正影响在于现代诗性思维方式对新诗创作艺术构思的革命。
Many “consensuses” in “goddess” research have stalled further understanding of the “goddess”. “Goddess” “turned out”, swept away not only the old-style poetry, it also ended the same era of early vernacular poetry. This makes the modern Chinese poetry from the straightforward “vernacular” start, but from a free spirit of creation to start. The significance of “goddess” appearing in May Fourth new poetic circle lies in its unique poetic style of poetry turning into hurricane-spirited May 4th epoch, which is fundamentally different from new collections of poems such as Attempt to Collect. The real influence Goddess brought to the development of Chinese new poetry lies in the revolution of the artistic conception of modern poetry created by the modern poetic way of thinking.