Synthesis of Nitrogen-doped Titania by Solvothermal Reactions in Alcohols

来源 :过程工程学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:youqing_2009
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Nitrogen-doped titania nanoparticles were obtained by the homogeneous precipitation in hexamethylenetetramine– titanium trichloride–alcohol aqueous solutions at 90℃ followed by heating at 190℃. Anatase,rutile and brookite were obtained,where the crystallite size,specific surface area and color greatly changed as 5~50 nm,20~200 m2/g and light gray to yellow,depending on the solvent and pH. The products after calcination were yellow,indicating doping with nitrogen ion. All colored titania showed photocatalytic activity under visible light irradiation for the oxidative decomposition of nitrogen monoxide in air. Especially,the nanoparticles of anatase type nitrogen-doped titania obtained using methanol aqueous solution showed excellent photocatalytic activity. Nitrogen-doped titania nanoparticles were obtained by the homogeneous precipitation in hexamethylenetetramine-titanium trichloride-alcohol aqueous solutions at 90 ° C followed by heating at 190 ° C. Anatase, rutile and brookite were obtained, where the crystallite size, specific surface area and color greatly changed as products 5 ~ 50 nm, 20 ~ 200 m2 / g and light gray to yellow, depending on the solvent and pH. The products after calcination were yellow, indicating doping with nitrogen ion. All colored titania showed photocatalytic activity under visible light irradiation for the oxidative decomposition of nitrogen monoxide in air. Especially, the nanoparticles of anatase type nitrogen-doped titania obtained using methanol aqueous solution showed excellent photocatalytic activity.
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患者女,53岁。无明显诱因出现右腹部阵发性隐痛十余天,门诊以"消化道出血"收入院,腹部CT示右半结肠占位性病变,符合恶性肿瘤征象。结肠镜示升结肠近回盲部巨大隆起型肿物,占据3/4肠腔;镜下观察:肿瘤与黏膜上皮界限清晰,细胞呈上皮样,弥漫性实性分布,细胞核呈卵圆形,核大深染,核质比高,核仁清晰可见,胞质红染,核分裂象多见(约15/10 HPF)。免疫组织化学示Calretinin、WT-1、D2-4