OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the clinical effects of embolization on the treatment of false aneurysms and the use of coated stents for the treatment of true aneurysms. Materials and Methods: In this group, 6 cases of aneurysms, including 5 cases of pseudoaneurysms and 1 case of true aneurysms, were caused by trauma. Pseudoaneurysms embolized damaged arteries using gelatin sponges or coils using a superselective technique. True aneurysms are covered with nickel-titanium stents to isolate and reconstruct the arterial lumen. RESULTS: All the 6 procedures were successful and no complications occurred. Conclusion: The application of embolization for the treatment of pseudoaneurysm is effective for the treatment of true aneurysms with covered stents. However, the condition of embolization of pseudotumor is that only the injured artery supplies blood.