近几年来,在历史教学中,我采用图示教学法,收到了较好的教学效果。学生认为图示法直观、形象、好理解、好记忆,对学习历史知识有很大帮助。现就有关图示的设计和使用谈几点体会。 一、图示的设计 (一)图示的设计和讲述历史有相通之处,即都不能忽视了历史人物的存在和他们的活动,紧紧抓住历史人物去叙史制图,可帮助学生理解和记忆。如孔子、秦始皇、汉武帝、朱元璋、洪秀全、孙中山、毛泽东、周恩来等人物,在历史上有重要地位,活动频繁,事件很多。要把教材中他们的事件记得一清二楚那是很不容易的。这就需用图示意,高度地集中史料,并对史料有重点地加以整理。如,为了讲清“孙中山的两次思想转变”,首先要找出孙中山两次思想转变的因果关系,然后再用箭头或线段将这些关系标示出来,就能直观形象地看出他思想转变的整个过程。(见图一) (二)时间是历史的生命,任何历史事件都和特定的时间有紧密联系,以时间去记述历史,就是以时间为线索,串连重要的历史事件,统帅教材中的相关内容,保持图形结构的平衡和史料叙述的完整性,准确地掌握历史事件的来龙去脉及其在历史长
In recent years, in the history teaching, I used the graphic teaching method and received good teaching results. Students believe that the graphic method is intuitive, visual, understandable, and well-remembered, which is of great help in learning historical knowledge. Let me talk a few about the design and use of the graphic. First, the design of the illustration (a) The design of the illustration has something in common with history. That is, we cannot ignore the existence of historical figures and their activities. Grasping historical figures to map history can help students understand And memory. Such as Confucius, Qin Shihuang, Han Wudi, Zhu Yuanzhang, Hong Xiuquan, Sun Yat-sen, Mao Zedong, Zhou Enlai and other figures, have an important position in history, frequent activities, and many events. It is not easy to remember exactly what happened in their teaching materials. This needs to be illustrated with a graph, highly focused on historical materials, and focused on historic materials. For example, in order to clarify “the two ideological changes of Sun Yat-sen,” we must first find out the causal relationship between Sun Yat-sen’s two ideological transitions, and then mark these relationships with arrows or line segments to visualize the changes in his thinking. the whole process. (See figure 1) (2) Time is the life of history. Any historical event is closely related to a specific time. To write history in time is to use time as a clue and to connect important historical events. Content, maintaining the balance of graphic structure and the integrity of historical narratives, accurately grasping the history and events of historical events and their long history