【摘 要】
In July, at the invitation of Hunan Provincial Association for the Promotion of Communication between Hunan and Taiwan, the “Hu Xiang Cultural Tour” delegation consisting of 32 teachers and young students from more than 20 large and middle schools in Taiwan came to the ancient city of Changsha. During the Hunan The delegation visited Hunan University, Hunan College of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Yali High School and Hunan Embroidery Institute. At the Yuelu Academy and Provincial Museum, they listened to Huxiang Culture, cultural relics unearthed from Mawangdui and cultural studies in Han Dynasty. They also enjoyed the World Natural Heritage Wulingyuan beautiful scenery. The prosperity and prosperity of the ancient Changsha, the long and splendid culture of Hunan and the beautiful mountains and rivers of the mainland China have added dozens of youthful and vigorous hearts to historical heavyness and added more compatriots’ affections.
目的全面监测并评价2001—2012年间甘肃省平凉市崆峒区实施碘缺乏病可持续消除工程和全区碘缺乏病防治工作及措施的实施效果。方法采用分层抽样的方法,抽取8~10岁儿童2 400名
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患者28岁,因宫内妊娠39周+2合并"先天性颅裂脑膨出"于2004年3月3日入院.末次月经2003年6月1日,预产期2004年3月8日.停经6个月感觉胎动.孕36周诊断为糖耐量低减,予饮食控制.入院检查:血压110/70 mm Hg(1 mm Hg=0.133 kPa).营养中等,神志清楚,枕部可见8 cm×7 cm×4 cm肿物,色白,囊性有波动感,表面无毛发,无触痛.双侧瞳孔等大、等圆,对光反
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