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语文是一门生活化的课程,但从学习的角度而言,它主要是由阅读与写作这两大部分构成,这两者是息息相关、相辅相成的。在作文教学中,通过阅读能够给作文提供相应的素材,促进素材的积累,做好素材积累有利于学生作文水平的提高。因此,在作文教学中,教师首先要关注的就是学生关于素材的积累。提出了相关策略并进行讨论与研究。 Language is a living course, but from a learning point of view, it is mainly composed of reading and writing, which are closely related and mutually reinforcing. In composition teaching, reading can provide corresponding material for composition, promote the accumulation of material, and make good accumulation of materials, which is beneficial to the improvement of students’ composition level. Therefore, in composition teaching, teachers should first pay close attention to the accumulation of students about the material. Put forward the relevant strategies and discussed and studied.
北京广播电视台、北京奥运城市发展基金会、科学出版社、大学生杂志社联合主办,北京数独运动协会承办的“2013全国大学生数独挑战赛”于12月21日在北京举行。  经过上午3轮的初赛和下午的决赛,成都电子科技大学王嘉豪、上海海事大学潘亦隽、北京大学姚斯宇分获个人赛前三名。成都电子科技大学(清水河畔队)、南开大学(牛刀队)、中国科学院大学(Ten