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夜深人静,捧一杯香茗,独坐书房,随手拿起一本诗集,信手一翻,竟然是艾青的《我爱这土地》。读着读着,我的思绪漂渺起来,朦胧中,仿佛看见……镜头一:初夏,夜晚,西湖。冷冷的月光洒下一片清辉,一叶小舟,随意栖在湖上。船上,一位素衣的绝色女子和一个年过花甲的男子相对而坐,他们面前摆着几样菜肴和一壶酒。那女子伸出纤纤素手,将面前的酒一饮而尽,面露悲色:“清兵破城、扫荡江南,种种惨相,目不忍睹。如我身为男子,必当救亡图存,以身报国!”男子也感慨万分:“天下兴亡,本乃匹夫之责。可是以我一人之 Deep in the dead of night, holding a cup of tea, sitting alone in the study, readily pick up a collection of poems, I believe doubled, turned out to be Ai Qing’s ”I love this land.“ Reading and reading, my thoughts bleak, hazy, as if to see ... ... Lens one: early summer, night, West Lake. Cold moonlight shed a Qinghui, a leaf boat, free to habitat in the lake. On board, a beautiful woman in a prime dress sat opposite a man with a flowerpitch, with a few dishes and a jug of wine in front of them. The woman stretched out the slender hand and poured out the wine in front of her to reveal his grief: ”When the Qing army broke through the city and swept through the Jiangnan area, all kinds of miserable people could not bear to see it. ! “Men are also emotionally extreme: ” The rise and fall of the world, the responsibility of Benniphafen. But to me one person
森林中有一条小小的河。河不宽,小猴子、小狗熊一跃就过去了,可小白兔、小老鼠就不行,他们个子太小,跳不过去,常待在河边发愁。  大象看见了,心想:我该帮帮他们。于是,他住到了小河边上。小动物们要过河,他就用长长的鼻子把他们卷起来,送到河对岸。  小白兔、小老鼠可高兴了。“让大象的鼻子卷着,就像坐飞机一样,一下就飞到河对岸了。”他们常这么对小猴子、小狗熊说。  小猴子、小狗熊听了好羡慕,他们来到河边,