前言 1976年,按照加拿大——苏联政府间技术交流计划,苏联将两种铁道车辆轴箱润滑油交付加拿大进行研究。加拿大太平洋铁路、加拿大国营铁路、皇家石油公司和全国资源委员会的代表拟订了试验分析计划,由上述四单位的实验室对这两种苏联润滑油进行测定,并且同加拿大的六种润滑油作比较。本文提供由实验室确定的苏联和加拿大润滑油的一般物理和化学性能、低温流动性、对金属的腐蚀性、耐久性、固态和液态杂质、金属元素、烃类族系和有无添加剂的试验结果。本文还对苏联润滑油与加拿大润
Foreword In 1976, according to the Canada-Soviet Intergovernmental Technical Exchange Program, the Soviet Union delivered two types of railway axlestock lubricant to Canada for research. Representatives of Canadian Pacific Railroad, CNSL, Royal Oil Company and National Resource Commission prepared a pilot analysis plan to test the two Soviet lubricants by the four laboratories above and compare them with six Canadian lubricants . This article provides laboratory-determined general physical and chemical properties of Soviet Union and Canadian lubricants, low temperature fluidity, corrosivity to metals, durability, solid and liquid impurities, metallic elements, hydrocarbon families, and the presence or absence of additives result. This article also on the Soviet union lubricants and Canada Run