三、蔬菜与豆制品 新鲜蔬菜当以适合时令的“时鲜货”为佳,有些“反时令”菜尽管鲜嫩,但口味总较为逊色。新鲜蔬菜须外不带水,无虫无蛀,不压伤不冻坏。用蔬菜业行话来讲,一不抽苋起苔,二无泥土杂质,三不腐败变质,四无奶叶黄叶。具体地说,叶类菜须色泽鲜明有光亮,叶片肥壮饱满,脆嫩无伤、无斑、无化肥渍、无黑边为佳;茎根类以新鲜不干缩起皱,表皮光滑,水分充足,食之生脆的为好;果菜类当选色泽鲜艳,果身肥壮无
Third, vegetables and soy products When fresh vegetables to seasonal “goods” is better, some “anti-seasonal” vegetables despite the tender, but the taste is less favorable. Fresh vegetables must be without water, insects boring, no crushing does not freeze. In terms of vegetable industry jargon, one does not smoke amaranth moss, two non-soil impurities, three non-spoilage metamorphosis, four non-milk leaf yellow leaves. Specifically, leafy vegetables must have bright and lustrous hues, rich and plump leaves, crisp and tender, no spots, no fertilizer stains and no black edges. The stems and roots are wrinkled with fresh non-shrinkage, smooth skin, Adequate, fresh crisp food as well; fruit and vegetable were elected bright color, fruit body without fat