Intra-coronary thrombolysis (PTCR) is a new approach to the treatment of acute myocardial infarction (AMI). In the past, the treatment of AMI was aimed at its early complications. The new therapy aimed to restore coronary blood flow, reduce infarct size and protect left ventricular function. Coronary artery streptokinase therapy (IC-SK) is mostly used in the United States and Western Europe, while intracoronary urokinase therapy (IC-UK) is used in Japan. Streptokinase and urokinase are plasminogen activators, can endogenous plasminogen activation into plasmin, which is the first generation of soluble tethered preparations, now PTCR case selection, clinical effects, complications, etc. The questions are as follows. Indications PTCR indications for advanced myocardial infarction