随着合同形式的多样化和市场经济中权利本位向社会本位的发展 ,合同责任与侵权责任竞合之现象日显突出。特别是在当今经济全球化的形势下 ,在国际私法中 ,如何妥善处理该种因合同等欺诈行为而产生的侵权纠纷 ,显然已是中国和世界其他各国司法审判中所共同面临的问题。本文从各国关于合同责任与侵权责任竞合的民法理论基础着手 ,并结合我国的具体司法实践 ,从国际私法的角度对涉外合同责任与侵权责任竞合之案件的识别、管辖权确定及法律适用等方面问题进行了初步的探索
With the diversification of the forms of contracts and the development of the rights-based position in the market economy to the social standard, the phenomenon of the co-operation between contractual liability and tort liability has become increasingly prominent. Especially in today’s situation of economic globalization, how to properly handle the infringement disputes arising from such fraudulent contracts in the private international law has apparently been a common problem facing China and other countries in the world in judicial trials. This article starts with the theory of civil law that countries are competing with each other in terms of contractual liability and tort liability, combined with the specific judicial practice in our country, from the perspective of private international law, the identification of cases where foreign-related contractual liability and the tort liability are competing, the determination of jurisdiction and application of law And other issues conducted a preliminary exploration