Does top executives' US experience matter? Evidence from US-listed Chinese firms

来源 :China Journal of Accounting Research | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:
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Foreign firms face enormous obstacles in attracting investors and analysts when issuing securities in the United States.We use US-listed Chinese firms as our research sample and find that firms that hire top executives(i.e.,Chief Executive Officer[CEO]or Chief Financial Officer[CFO]) with work experience in the US or educational qualifications from the US attract more US institutional investors and analysts.Further,we find that CFOs’ US experience dominates the results.Corroborating our results,we further find that firms with US-experienced CFOs are more likely to hold conference calls and voluntarily issue management forecasts,which suggests that CFOs with a US background are better at communicating with US investors and analysts and acting in alignment with US norms compared with Chinese CFOs.Collectively,our results suggest that hiring a CFO with a US background could facilitate cross-listed foreign firms to lower US investors’ and analysts’ information disadvantage. Foreign firms face massive obstacles in attracting investors and analysts when issuing securities in the United States. We use US-listed Chinese firms as our research sample and find that firms that hire top top executives (ie, Chief Executive Officer [CEO] or Chief Financial Officer [CFO]) with work experience in the US or educational qualifications from the US attract more US institutional investors and analysts. Future, we find that CFOs’ US experience dominates the results. Corroborating our results, we further find that firms with US-experienced CFOs are more likely to hold conference calls and voluntarily issue management forecasts, which suggests that CFOs with a US background are better at communicating with US investors and analysts and acting in alignment with US norms compared with Chinese CFOs. Collectively, our results suggest that hiring a CFO with a US background can facilitate cross-listed foreign firms to lower US investors ’and analysts’ information disadvantage.
债转股只是降杠杆的手段之一,且在实施过程中面临诸多限制,因此不宜作为降杠杆的主要手段。  当前,中国经济正面临诸多挑战,杠杆率过高正是其中之一。从杠杆率的结构来看,非金融企业部门的杠杆率过高是中国杠杆率的最主要特征。为了有效降低非金融企业杠杆率,减轻企业债务负担,国务院于10月10日下发《关于积极稳妥降低企业杠杆率的意见》(以下简称《意见》)及附件《关于市场化银行债股转股权的指导意见》(以下简称《