Gender gap in acute coronary heart disease:Myth or reality?

来源 :World Journal of Cardiology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:colala2001
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AIM: To investigate potential gender differences in the prevalence of cardiovascular risk factors, cardiovascular disease (CVD) management, and prognosis in acute coronary syndrome (ACS). METHODS: A systematic literature search was performed through Medline using pre-specified key words . An additional search was performed, focusing specifically on randomized controlled clinical trials in relation to therapeutic intervention and prognosis. In total, 92 relevant articles were found. RESULTS: Women with CVD tended to have more hypertension and diabetes at the time of presentation, whereas men were more likely to smoke. Coronary angiography and revascularization by percutaneous coronary intervention were performed more often in men. Women were at a greater risk of short-term mortality and complications after revascularization. Interestingly, women under 40 years presenting with ACS were athighest risk of cardiovascular death compared with men of the same age, irrespective of risk factors. This disadvantage disappeared in older age. The long-term mortality risk of ACS was similar in men and women, and even in favor of women. CONCLUSION: Mortality rates are higher among young women with ACS, but this difference tends to disappear with age, and long-term prognosis is even better among older women. A investigator: To investigate potential gender differences in the prevalence of cardiovascular risk factors, cardiovascular disease (CVD) management, and prognosis in acute coronary syndrome (ACS). METHODS: A systematic literature search was performed through Medline using pre-specified key words. An additional search was performed, focusing specifically on randomized controlled clinical trials in relation to therapeutic intervention and prognosis. In total, 92 relevant articles were found. RESULTS: Women with CVD tended to have more hypertension and diabetes at the time of presentation, more likely to smoke. Coronary angiography and revascularization by percutaneous coronary intervention were performed more often in men. Women were at a greater risk of short-term mortality and complications after revascularization. Interestingly, women under 40 years presenting with ACS were athighest risk of cardiovascular disease death compared with men of the same age, irrespective of risk factors. This long-term mortality risk of ACS was similar in men and women, and even in favor of women. CONCLUSION: Mortality rates are higher among young women with ACS, but this difference tends to disappear with age, and long-term prognosis is even better among older women.
女人测试篇你懂得身体语言吗?只要你善用以下测验,就能从他的行为举止中,透析他对你的感情: 1.你从背后叫他的时候,他的反应是: A.转过身,在原地默默地注视你。 B.转过身,慢
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