通过系统回顾和分析国内外对胃肠肿瘤手术预康复的相关文献及指南,分别对胃肠肿瘤择期手术前患者运动、营养、心理三联预康复的具体实施内容和评估方法进行梳理,发现目前仍存在的不能标准化的内容,为以后的循证提供基础,旨在为制订三联预康复的护理实践内容提供依据,以期能更好地促进胃肠肿瘤手术患者的快速康复。“,”Through a systematic review and analysis on the related literature and guidlines at home and abroad on the prehabilitation of gastrointestinal neoplasms, this paper sorts out the implementation contents and evaluation methods of the trimodal prehabilitation which includes three aspects: exercise, nutrition and psychology, and found that there is still not standardized content at present. This paper provides the foundation for later evidence-based research. And designed to provide evidence for trimodal prehabilitation nursing practice content, in order to promote the enhanced recovery of the patients with gastrointestinal neoplasm after surgery better.