要培养优秀的班集体,必须加强班级制度建设,通过班级制度的建立、执行、完善,不断深化班级管理,促进学生的全面发展。我们的做法是: 一、有的放矢,形成特色俗话说:没有规矩不成方圆。因而,班级应建立调节师生关系、同学关系以及规范学生日常行为、明确权利义务等方面的制度。由于各个班级的学生构成因素不同,因而各个班级制度也应有各自的特殊性。实践告诉我们,只有不断了解班级的实际情况,寻找专业班的特点、优势及问题,有的放矢地制定与贯彻班级制度,才能做到发扬优势,纠正问题,形成
In order to cultivate outstanding class groups, we must strengthen the construction of the class system and deepen the management of classes through the establishment, execution and improvement of the class system so as to promote the all-round development of students. Our approach is: First, targeted, the formation of the characteristics As the saying goes: no rules no success. Therefore, the class should establish a system that regulates the relationship between teachers and students, the relationship between classmates, and the normal behavior of students, and defines the rights and obligations. Due to the different composition of the students in each class, each class system should also have its own particularity. Practice tells us that only by constantly understanding the actual situation of the class, looking for the characteristics of professional classes, advantages and problems, targeted development and implementation of the class system in order to carry forward the advantages and correct problems, the formation of