以三项制度改革使企业一举夺得全省同行业五连冠的寿光造纸集团股份有限公司,为进一步深化劳动用工、工资分配、社会保险制度改革,巩固已有的改革成果,由劳动人事部负责将有关规章制度编印成册,公司员工人手一册,并采取多种形式组织干部员工学习,贯彻实施。员工们高兴地说:“有了这本书,俺心里明明白白,干得舒服。干得有奔头!” 这本“白皮书”内容包括劳动人事用工管理制度、劳动工资管理制度、劳动争议案例选登、劳动政策名词解释等内容,共24个办法细则、27个案例和两个制度。通过
Shouguang Papermaking Group Co., Ltd., which has won the company’s five consecutive titles in the same industry by three system reforms, further deepens the reform of labor, wages, and social insurance systems and consolidates the results of existing reforms. The Ministry of Labor and Personnel Responsible for compiling the relevant rules and regulations into a book, the staff of the company has a staff, and takes various forms to organize cadre staff to learn and implement. The employees said happily: “With this book, you are very clear-minded and comfortable. You have a good job!” The contents of this “white paper” include the labor employment management system, the labor wage management system, There are altogether 24 rules, 27 cases, and two systems for the selection of labor dispute cases, the interpretation of labor policy terms, and so on. by