
来源 :湖南安全与防灾 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ananqiqi
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民本,古老的话题。孔子编《尚书》,称“民惟邦本,本固邦宁。”司马迁著《史记》,言“制国有常,利民为本。”在新世纪的钟声里,党中央新一代领导集体与时俱进,努力地从民族的文化精华中寻找前进的目标,提出了“立党为公,执政为民”的政治理念,“情为民所系,权为民所用,利为民所谋”像滚滚春雷回荡在神州大地。4月28日,新邵县龙溪铺塘边煤矿突然发生透水事故,5名矿工被困井下,当地政府和安监、煤炭等部门万众一心,众志成城,不惜一切代价,展开了一场生死大营救,经过惊心动魄3天3夜的鏖战,5名矿工被困井下60小时之后全部生还,创造了我省煤矿抢险救灾史上的又一奇迹!无独有偶,5月8日,攸县黄丰桥老虎冲煤矿也同样发生透水事故,6名被困矿工因营救及时,全部生还。奇迹,诞生在新时代。在地层深处,有两盏明灯给了11名矿工生的光明,一盏是头顶上的矿灯,有了它才有了自救的条件;另一盏是心中的明灯,他们始终坚信党和政府不会不管我们的,党和政府一定会想尽一切办法抢救我们!本刊同时刊登这两次煤矿透水事故中成功营救被困矿工的报道。民本,在这里散发着灿烂的光芒! People-based, ancient topic. Confucius, “Shang Shu”, saying “the people of the state, the Ben Bonin.” Sima Qian “Historical Records”, saying “the country is regular, people-based.” In the bell of the new century, a new generation of leaders of the Central Party Committee The collective advances with the times and endeavors to find the forward goal from the cultural essence of the nation. It proposes the political concept of “building the party for the sake of the public and governing for the people”. “It is the power of the people, the power of the people, the benefit of the people Remedy ”like rolling Spring Reverberation in the Divine Land. On April 28, a flood accident occurred at Tongbian Coal Mine in Longxi, Xinshao County. Five miners were trapped in the well, the local government and safety supervision and coal and other departments devoted themselves to achieving a survival rescue at any cost. , After a soul-stirring 3 days and 3 nights fierce battle, 5 miners trapped underground 60 hours after all survived, and created another miracle in the history of mine rescue and disaster relief in our province! Coincidentally, May 8, Youxian Huang Fengqiao Tiger Chong Mine also the same Permeability accident occurred, 6 trapped miners rescued in a timely manner, all survived. Miracle, was born in a new era. In the depths of the strata, there are two beacon lights to the 11 miners gave birth to a bright, one is the headlight of miner’s lamp, it has the conditions for self-help; the other is the heart of the light, they always firmly believe that the party and government Will not ignore us, the party and the government will do everything possible to save us! This journal also published two coal mine flooding accident successfully rescue trapped miners reported. People, here exudes a brilliant light!
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