进入21世纪数码相机升级换代的速度逐渐加快,许多型号还未普及,就昙花一现了。在相机王国的日本,新产品推出半年以后就降价,一年以后就淘汰已经不足为怪。2001年上市的FinePix 4800Z售价98000日元,现在只要29000日元就能买到(不包括存储卡),最近托朋友买回一架,下面就该机的使用感受略表如下。 我选择FinePix 4800Z数码相机主要看中其性价比,像买计算机一样够用就行,没必要多花钱购买多余的像素和闲置的功能。
Into the 21st century, the gradual acceleration of the upgrading of digital cameras, many models have not yet become popular, it is short-lived. In Japan, where the camera kingdom was introduced, it is no surprise that new products have been cut in price since they were introduced in six months and eliminated after one year. 2001 FinePix 4800Z listed at 98000 yen, now only 29000 yen will be able to buy (excluding memory card), recently asked a friend to buy back a, the following on the use of the machine feel slightly below table. I chose the FinePix 4800Z digital camera mainly to see its price / performance ratio, just as good as buying a computer, no need to spend more on extra pixels and idle functions.